Common Emergencies in Cats & Dogs

Owning a pet is a big responsibility. Your pets depend on you to protect them from harm. It will be easier for you to protect your pet from dangerous health and safety issues if you are well-prepared. You should be aware of the most common emergencies in cats and dogs. Be sure you know how […]

Important Items to Have in Your Pet First Aid Kit

As a pet owner, you know that your pet can’t tell you if he is hurt, ill, or injured. Most pet owners have become very aware of warning signs that something is wrong with their pet, and all pet owners should have a pet first aid kit on hand for simple, treatable pet problems that […]

Tips for Handling an Injured Pet

If your pet is injured, it may be difficult to assess their injuries without them lashing out in pain or fear. Here are some tips for safely handling an injured pet so that you can transport them to your local veterinary hospital for care:  Approach Your Pet Slowly and Calmly Approach your pet slowly and […]

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